Birth & Beyond at Island Health

Island Health provides support for expecting parents who may feel overwhelmed by myriad choices when it comes to the arrival of their new baby. From topics of natural birth, medication and cesarean sections combined with making sure your car seat is installed correctly, there is so much to consider.
Island Health Education is here to help new parents make informed decisions. We offer numerous programs for expecting parents, including:
Childbirth Education Series
These classes are designed to prepare parents-to-be for the arrival of their new baby. Prenatal health, stages of labor, coping techniques, pain relief options, breastfeeding, newborn care and more are discussed. Two class options are available: a five-week evening series or a Saturday class.
Breastfeeding Matters
Learn all about breastfeeding benefits, how to get started and how to keep going when you’re back to work or in special situations. Specific questions are welcome and will be addressed.
Your Body, Your Baby and Healthy Blood Sugars
When you are pregnant, you may be at risk for gestational diabetes. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Learn ways of preventing gestational diabetes through lifestyle changes during your pregnancy and beyond.
Family-centered Cesarean
This class describes the cesarean process and how your family can support you in your birthing journey.
Grand-parenting 101
This class describes ways grandparents can offer support and assistance to a new family, whether they live close or faraway. Class will include detailed information on car seat safety, presented by a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.
Car & Booster Seat Clinics
Have your car or booster seats checked by nationally trained car seat technicians from Safe Kids Northwest. They will check your seat for safety, make sure you are using it correctly and show you how to properly install the seat in your car.
We are here for you on your journey into parenthood. For more information or to register for an Island Heath Education program, call 360.299.4204 or visit our website
For more information on our breastfeeding support services, visit
Published on April 20, 2023