Technology and people working together.

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Galina Gandy oversees everything related to technology. In a nutshell, her priority is to ensure that all technology at Island Health advances patient care.

The position of CIO is new at Island Health; Gandy was hired last summer and has brought a wealth of healthcare leadership and IT experience. “The duties are multifaceted,” says Gandy, “but they are all about improving care, regardless of whether the subject matter is cybersecurity, artificial intelligence or electronic medical records.”

“Whenever we implement new technology, it must enhance patient care and increase access to care,” Gandy said.

Gandy’s experience working with patients early in her career has stayed with her as she held various technology roles. To Gandy, putting people before technology is a two-fold process. First, it’s about listening to patients. Some want faster and easier phone communication, while others prefer self-scheduling through the patient portal. Next, it’s about collaborating with her colleagues to set technology strategies. Technology must be the best option to assist the team in their work, whether that’s a patient-facing position like a nurse or doctor or a support position like medical records or finance.

“I love the strategic role of my job. Technology is moving fast, so I connect the dots for our organization to ensure we use the best technology to give our staff the tools to do their jobs, ultimately improving care to our patients,” Gandy said.

Chief Executive Officer Elise Cutter is excited about Gandy and the new CIO position.

“It’s a vital role, and we are so fortunate to have Galina, an expert at implementing the best technology in accessible ways,” Cutter said.

At the end of the day, Gandy says her job is all about people—and that’s what she loves most about this position.

“We have fabulous people here who are driven to care for others with compassion and respect,” she said. “Island Health is a gem in our community, and it brings me joy to contribute by helping improve patient care.”

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Published on March 3, 2025