New psychiatrist Dr. DiPesa

New psychiatrist Christopher DiPesa, DO


Island Health welcomed osteopathic physician Christopher DiPesa, DO, to Island Psychiatry & Behavioral Health clinic in August. DiPesa said his practice combines treating the body, mind and spirit, along with the biopsychosocial approach.

Get to know more about Dr. DiPesa including what he enjoys most about his job and why he chose Island Health.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?

A: As an osteopathic physician, I practice according to the osteopathic guiding principle of treating the body, mind and spirit. This entails integrating a holistic approach to psychiatry with a firm foundation in evidence-based medicine. I chose to specialize in psychiatric medicine because the human mind is infinitely fascinating and complex, and each patient has a unique story to tell.

Q: What are some of your clinical interests?

A: I enjoy treating a wide range of psychiatric disorders including depressive disorders, bipolar spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, trauma-related disorders and many more.

Q: Why did you choose Island Health?

A: My wife is a Pacific Northwest native and transplanted me from Oklahoma to Washington. I look forward to exploring the numerous forests, mountains and beaches.


For more information about Dr. DiPesa and our Psychiatry & Behavioral Health clinic, call 360.299.4297.

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Published on August 29, 2024