Jan Iversen
Board Member, Position 1
Board of Commissioners
Term expires March 2029
Jan Iversen brings medical and business experience to Island Health’s Board of Commissioners. In addition to her vast professional experience, Iversen is a prominent figure and philanthropist within the local community with a focus on advocacy for senior citizens.
Iversen is a retired President and CEO of Kinesis Manufacturing, Inc., and an aerospace-manufacturing consultant for Fortune 500 companies. Furthermore, Iversen sat on Island Health’s Finance, Quality Management, Capital Campaign and Feasibility Study Committees, as well as previously serving as President of the Board of Commissioners.
In addition to her notable business accomplishments, Iversen was the recipient of the Anacortes Volunteer of the Year and was the first recipient of the Community Service Excellence Award from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce in recognition of her local leadership.
Currently, Iversen is a member of the Dr. Samuel G. Brooks Guild (Seattle Children’s Hospital); a volunteer with the Anacortes Family Center and Summit Assistance Dogs; a Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) leader on Guemes Island; and an ambassador for Friends of the San Juans. She is a sponsor of the annual Education Scholarship Award Oak Harbor JROTC and an advisor to the annual Richard Iversen Tuition Assistance Award, a scholarship setup through the Island Hospital Foundation in honor of her late husband. In addition, Iversen is a senior advocate for Skagit County and a member of the Anacortes Senior Activity Center Foundation Board.