Island Hospital Opens In-Car Access Tent for COVID-19 Testing

Island Hospital (IH) opened an In-Car Access Tent this week for COVID-19 testing. The tent helps keep patients out of inclement weather during the testing process and allows for increased testing volumes when needed.
Patients who feel they may need a COVID-19 test should call Island Hospital’s Call Center at 360.293.3101 for an appointment. A triage nurse will help determine if the test is medically necessary and provide follow up with a physician who will order the test.
Patients identified for testing will be given an appointment time for their in-car test. The tent may be accessed from both the Commercial Street and M Street entrances. Patients who have scheduled an appointment should have their ID and insurance card ready for presentation at the time of testing, and they may remain in their cars during the test.
“The tent will be especially useful during the cold-weather months and provides additional access with the potential rise in COVID-19 cases. We greatly appreciate the support we have received from patients as we continue to respond to the pandemic and meet the needs of our community,” said IH CEO Charles Hall, MSN, MBA.
Published on October 16, 2020