July 2019 – Employee of the Month

The Island Hospital Employee of the Month for July is Pharmacy Technician Angel Villalobos.
As a pharmacy technician, Angel is responsible for managing the inventory; ordering, receiving, checking for expired medications and compounding medications. Angel is known for his calm and steady demeanor and handles whatever comes his way with grace and professionalism. He has helped with audits and purchasing. Most recently, Angel has played an integral role in the loading and training of Island Hospital’s new automated medication-dispensing system that improves medication safety and inventory control. His supervisor notes that, “Angel is a dedicated staff member who is always willing to share his knowledge with co-workers. We are very fortunate to have Angel on our team.”
Since his arrival in 2017, Angel has characterized Island Hospital’s Promise to consistently provide the best customer service to our patients, families, guests and colleagues. Congratulations and thanks for being an inspiration, Angel!
Published on July 25, 2019