May 2020 – Employee of the Month

The Island Hospital Employee of the Month for May is Pre-Anesthesia Clinic Registered Nurse, Carol Bear.
Carol has poured her heart into the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic, a clinic that she has re-established and then again re-vamped in 2018-19 to meet budget constraints. Carol is very organized and efficient in her daily tasks. She is a dependable employee, which is highly important as the sole RN for her department. Carol has a great rapport with the doctors, who rely heavily on her to ensure patient readiness for surgery. Many of Carol’s patients have commented on how thorough and compassionate she was with them during their screening. Carol works well independently as well as in a team setting. She is someone you can count on to always have a smile and the first to make someone else smile. Her personality is infectious. Her supervisor notes that, “As Carol’s supervisor, I am honored to work beside her and know I can rely on her to deliver the best quality care to our patients.”
Since her arrival in 2007, Carol has characterized Island Hospital’s Promise to consistently provide the best customer service to our patients, families, guests and colleagues. Congratulations and thanks for being an inspiration, Carol!
Published on June 4, 2020