The Walk-In Clinic has reopened in a new location
The Walk-In Clinic has reopened in a new location, 2601 M Avenue (next to the Respiratory Clinic). Their hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., every day. To contact The Walk-In Clinic, call (360) 293-3101 or visit No appointment necessary for The Walk-In Clinic.
Common health concerns that can be treated at The Walk-In Clinic are:
- Colds
- Ear aches
- Sinus infections
- Migraines
- Sprains, strains or minor broken bones
- Eye infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Rashes
- Cuts or scrapes
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Individuals with respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) can be seen in the Respiratory Clinic located in the same building — separate entrance — and by calling (360) 293-3101 for an appointment. Appointments are required for the Respiratory Clinic. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., every day.
Published on June 22, 2020