Quarterly DAISY Award Recognizes Exceptional Care by Emergency Department Nurse Kris Browne, BSN, RN

Congratulations to our most recent DAISY honoree, Kris Browne, BSN, RN, from the Emergency Department (ED). Kris’s empathy and calm presence in the ED made a significant difference during a challenging time for a recent patient. Kris’s compassionate approach immediately made the patient feel seen and heard, easing emotional tension and allowing the patient to focus on her health. Kris’s professionalism and empathy significantly contributed to the patient’s well-being, leaving the patient with a sense of trust and relief at the end of the visit. As a DAISY honoree, Kris has become part of a distinguished group of nurses known for their exceptional clinical expertise, compassion and ability to inspire others.
Eight other Island Health nurses were nominated along with Kris in Quarter 4 2024, including:
Carie McFarlin, BSN, RN
Cheryl Holland, RN
Emily Figueroa, BSN, RN
Kara Jean Kenyon, RN
Manley Smith, BSN, RN
Stephanie Ball, RN
Tina Thomson, RN
CeCe Widner-White, BSN, RN
The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation™ was created in 1999 by the family of
J. Patrick Barnes to say “thank you” to nurses for the care and compassion they experienced during his illness and at the end of his life. The foundation has grown over the years and expresses gratitude to nurses with programs to honor them wherever they practice, in whatever role they serve, and throughout their careers. Today, The DAISY Award® is embedded in thousands of healthcare facilities and schools of nursing, internationally.
Island Health is pleased to recognize the exceptional work of our nursing team each quarter through the DAISY award.
To learn more about how to nominate a nurse for The DAISY Award, visit islandhealth.org/daisy-award.
Published on January 21, 2025