Quarterly DAISY Award Recognizes Exceptional Care by Surgical Services Nurse Kara Kenyon, RN

Congratulations to our most recent DAISY honoree, Kara Kenyon, RN, from Surgical Services. Kara was nominated by a grateful patient who described her care as professional, compassionate and kind. She put her patient at ease immediately and tenderly cared for both the patient and his family following a procedure. As a DAISY honoree, Kara has joined a community of exceptional nurses whose practice is renowned for outstanding clinical skill, compassion and inspiration.
Ten other Island Health nurses were nominated along with Kara in Q3 2023, including:
Kristen Bielman, RN, BSN
Ron Brutton, RN
John Culleton, RN
Yossarian Day, RN
Eva Jansen, RN
Kat Roders, RNC-OB
Eileen Sablan, RN, BSN
Laura Schaffner, RN, BSN
Mari Stewart, RN
Angi Walker, RN
The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation™ was created in 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes to say “thank you” to nurses for the care and compassion they experienced during his illness and at the end of his life. The foundation has grown over the years and expresses gratitude to nurses with programs to honor them wherever they practice, in whatever role they serve, and throughout their careers. Today, The DAISY Award® is embedded in thousands of healthcare facilities and schools of nursing, internationally.
Island Health is pleased to recognize the exceptional work of our nursing team each quarter through the DAISY award.
Published on December 13, 2023