Why Mammography Matters

One of the goals I have as Chief Medical Officer at Island Health is to positively impact our community’s health and wellbeing. One way we are making a difference is through early detection of breast cancer.
Mammography was first recommended for breast cancer screening in the late 1970s. Prior to mammography, the age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rate across the United States was 70%. After the mammography recommendations started to take effect, the mortality rate significantly decreased to 42%. Island Health’s 3D mammogram is similar to the traditional mammogram; however, it reduces overlap in the breast images and uncovers distortion and speculated masses. This technology detects 20–65% more invasive breast cancers!
All women aged 40 through 74 should get a screening mammogram for breast cancer every year or every other year. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family or are greater than 75, it may be beneficial to get a mammogram, but please discuss with your provider.
When undergoing a screening of any kind, many people worry, “Will they find something?” Well, let’s break down the numbers based on 100 women screening for breast cancer.
If 100 women get screened:
- Ninety (90) will be told that their mammogram is normal, which is good news.
- Ten (10) will be asked to return for a mammogram follow up because they needed additional pictures or views. Of those 10,
- Six (6) will be told their mammogram was normal after a follow-up appointment and are clear until their next annual screening.
- Two (2) will be told to follow up in six months.
- Two (2) will need a biopsy.
This means that about 98% of people will be reassured their breast tissue is normal, and 2% will need further investigation.
Island Health is Here for You
With the latest 3D screening technology, we are working to make early detection paramount. Island Health has put an official organizational goal around improving breast cancer screening rates in our community. With a thorough patient registry, physician reminders and the ability to track individual patient screening measures, we are ensuring that all patients get their screenings (breast cancer and others) regularly. Call 360.299.1315 or schedule via the myIslandHealth patient portal.