This five-week series is designed to prepare parents-to-be for the arrival of their new baby. Participants will learn essential skills and develop confidence as they approach the end of pregnancy, labor, delivery and early parenting. Prenatal health, stages of labor, coping techniques, pain relief options, breastfeeding, newborn care and more will be discussed. Covered by Apple Health. Class is offered IN-PERSON and limited to 10 couples.
When: Tuesdays (January 2–30) 6:00–8:30 p.m.
Cost: $115 per individual/couple or Covered by Apple Health using a Provider One number
Where: Fidalgo Room at Island Health, 1211 24th Street, Anacortes
Instructor: Teri Shilling MS, LCCE, CD(DONA), IBCLC
If you are having trouble registering for this class online or need assistance using your Provider One number to cover the cost of this class, please call 360.299.4204 to register over the phone.