Chip Bogosian, MD
Board Member, Position 5
Board of Commissioners
Term expires December 2025
A.J. “Chip” Bogosian has served as Commissioner for Skagit County Public Hospital District No. 2 (Island Health) since November 2007.
Overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the quality of care provided at Island Health, Bogosian said it was “a determining factor in my decision to retire to Guemes. Our hospital is a true anomaly: We’ve managed not only to attract and hold top-notch physicians, surgeons, oncologists, nurses and administrators, but everyone at the hospital works as family, with all members working in the same direction. I’ve come from other systems, so I can compare. Our quality of care is nothing short of fantastic.”
Bogosian received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Arizona in 1973. He completed his surgery internship through the Tucson Hospitals Medical Education Program, his surgery residency at the University of Washington and his anesthesia residency (with a Senior Student Fellowship) at Harvard University. In 1977-1978 he was a Fellow in Regional Anesthesia at Virginia Mason Medical Center.
Author of pivotal articles in the field of anesthesia, Bogosian has served as Chief of Anesthesia at Swedish Hospital Medical Center, Providence Hospital, and the United Cerebral Palsy Dental Facility in Seattle; Chief of Cardiac Anesthesia at Swedish Hospital Medical Center; and President and Treasurer of the Physician’s Anesthesia Service (Washington’s largest Anesthesia group).
Voted as one of Seattle’s Top Doctors in 2004, Bogosian retired in 2005, after serving since 1979 as Staff Anesthesiologist at Swedish Hospital Medical Center. He is a former Associate Clinical Professor of Anesthesia at the University of Washington and currently serves as Senior Medical Examiner for the Federal Aviation Administration. Bogosian is also Parental Advisor to Camp Good Times, a camp for pediatric cancer patients, sponsored by the American Cancer Society.