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Headshot of Sharon Thwing, social worker with Island Psychiatry & Behavioral Health.

Sharon Thwing, MSW, LICSW

Social Work

Island Psychiatry & Behavioral Health

2511 M Avenue, Suite G
Anacortes, WA 98221

P: 360.299.4297

F: 360.299.4294

Areas of Professional Interest

As a Social Worker, I pay attention to the person, the environment and the fit between them, with a special emphasis on social justice and working with vulnerable populations. I believe in the possibility of positive change for everyone, and that a strong, supportive relationship that allows authentic connection is a powerful force to help in this process. I work from a strengths based perspective, with an eclectic and practical approach to meet people in ways that best match their learning style.


Arizona State University – Tempe

Meet the Provider

Hello, I’m Sharon

I enjoy sewing and crafting, reading, good conversations with friends and family, hanging out with my dog, hiking, camping and going on adventures big and small.