Preventive Care: The Best Medicine for a Healthier Community

We’ve all heard the mantra, “prevention is the best medicine,” but is it true? As a family physician and Island Health’s Chief Medical Officer, I can attest that preventive medicine is vital to healthier patients and communities.
Preventive medicine is routine care. Just like you service your car to keep it running smoothly, the same is true with your body. I always tell my patients they should see me when they’re healthy, not just when sick. Annual wellness exams enable your provider to order essential health screenings for diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease; ensure your vaccinations are up to date; and check your key indicators of health, such as your blood work and blood pressure. Wellness exams help you stay healthy and detect problems before they become severe or life-threatening.
The cornerstone of preventive health is primary care practitioners, who help improve the health of entire communities. For every additional 10 family physicians per 100,000 people, there are 15 fewer deaths, 40 fewer hospitalizations and an average increase in life expectancy of 52 days.(1)
One of Island Health’s strategic initiatives has been to increase access to care in our hospital district, particularly for primary care patients. Over the last two years, we have been working diligently to recruit and onboard new providers to our community. Since September 2023, Island Health has welcomed six new primary care providers and two new OB/GYNs. To schedule and appointment, call 360.293.3101. If you need help finding a provider, visit our website.
1. National Library of Medicine, The Value of Family Medicine.